Saturday, April 22, 2006

A Very Old Cemetery

I went up to Columbia Cemetery in Boulder (Colorado) after work to shoot some pics. It felt empty and dreary there, for all the sun shone and cheery dandelions proclaimed the return of spring. No one leaves decorations by the gravestones there, the way they do at Louisville and Lafayette cemeteries. At Louisville and Lafayette, the dead are The Dearly Departed, much loved, much respected and much missed. The dead at Columbine Cemetery are The Forgotten.

In all fairness, though, Columbia is a very old cemetery. Who remembers you when you've been dead for 50 years? Who is there to put flowers on your grave when you've been gone a century?


dillet said...

Your blog was the only place in my web search to tell about the existance of this old cemetery--Thank You! My Ancestors are buried there; please give directions to find it? Or, if you go there again, would you be willing to transcribe the tombstones? I may never get to Colorado . . .
Thanks--dillet :)

Daisy said...

I incorrectly typed the name of the cemetery but didn't realize it until I read your comment. The cemetery is actually Columbia, not Columbine, which is at 9th And Pleasant Streets in Boulder, Colorado. A partial list of those interred there can be found at I'd love to transcribe tombstones for you. Let me know.