Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Wife and Daughter

City of Lafayette Cemetery, Colorado

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Stone Drapery

Sacred Heart of Mary, Louisville, Colorado

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Magic Potion

I love the way the rust colored moss seems to rise out of the potion jar. Sacred Heart of Mary, Boulder, Colorado

B for Boyd

My mother's gravestone. Sacred Heart of Mary, Boulder, Colorado

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Red Tulip I

Green Mountain Cemetery, Longmont, Colorado

Red Tulip II

Green Mountain Cemetery, Longmont, Colorado

Death Card: Osho Zen Tarot

Friday, June 30, 2006


Green Mountain Cemetery, Longmont, Colorado.

The Raven Brings Messages from the Underworld

Green Mountain Cemetery, Longmont, Colorado.


Cemetery, City of Lafayette, Colorado.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Little Angel

Green Mountain Cemetery, Boulder, Colorado.


Green Mountain Cemetery, Boulder, Colorado.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Stone Rose

Green Mountain Cemetery, Boulder, Colorado.

Monday, June 12, 2006

When You Can't Afford a Tombstone

When you can't afford a tombstone, your loved ones create one for you from bits and pieces of things that they have. City of Louisville Cemetery, Colorado

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Shadow of a Rose

Cemetery, City of Louisville, Colorado

Vocabulary of the Dead

Necropolis: city of the dead; cemetery; ancient burial ground.
Necomancer: one who performs sorcery and divination through communication with the dead.
Necrophobia: fear of death; fear of dead bodies.
Necrosis: death of animal or plant tissue.
Necrolatry: worship of the dead.
Necromimesis: believing that you're dead.
Necrophilia: erotic attraction to dead people.
Necromantheion: oracle of death. It is a door to the Underworld, the realm of the dead.

Beloved Son and Brother

Cemetery, City of Louisville, Colorado

Baby Allie

Alberta Ostrander; Cemetery, City of Louisville, Colorado

Friday, June 02, 2006


A close-up of a large stone in City of Lafayette Cemetery, Colorado.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Red Marble Slab

Green Mountain Cemetery, Longmont, Colorado

Two Pink Tulips

Green Mountain Cemetery, Longmont, Colorado

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


She's been without him for 28 years. Is she still alive or is she buried somewhere else? Green Mountain Cemetery, Longmont, Colorado

Two Dandelions

Green Mountain Cemetery, Longmont, Colorado

Leaves in Granite

Green Mountain Cemetery, Longmont, Colorado

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Guess Things Happen That Way

Well you ask me if I'll forget my baby.
I guess I will, someday.
I don't like it but I guess things happen that way.
by Johnny Cash

Monday, May 08, 2006

Rivers of the Underworld

Columbia Cemetery, Boulder, Colorado

Styx: sacred river of unbreakable oath. Styx is also the name of a goddess and is the only female river. To swear by the Styx was the most holy oath a god could make.

Phlegethon: river of fire. It burns but does not consume.

Acheron: river of woe. The dead are ferried across by Charon, if they have been fortunate enough to have been supplied with the fare by their loved ones.

Cocytus: river of lamentation. Those who cannot pay the fare wander here, wailing, for a hundred years.

Lethe: river of forgetfulness. Drink here and forget.

Benjamin Skinner

Much Missed

Cemetery, City of Lafayette, Colorado


Columbia Cemetery, Boulder, Colorado

And Many Happy Returns

Green Mountain Cemetery, Boulder, Colorado

Black Urn

Green Mountain Cemetery, Boulder, Colorado


A stone ornaments a headstone in Green Mountain Cemetery, Boulder, Colorado

Death Card: Arthurian Tarot

Green Mountain Cemetery

Some pics from Green Mountain Cemetery, Boulder, Colorado, in spring 2006.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Hills and Stones

Green Mountain Cemetery, Boulder, Colorado

In Memory of Eric

One Friday night in February, Eric C., 16, tried to kill himself with a drug overdose. He was mostly successful. He wound up in intensive care, his life hanging by a thread, and that thread tied to this earth by high-tech machines. There was no hope, though, and so on Sunday his parents gave permission to remove him from life-support. In this way they finished the job they themselves had started on Friday afternoon, when Eric told them he was gay and they kicked him out of the house. He was a sophomore at Fairview High School and an acquaintance of my children. I don't know where he's been laid to rest.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Fresh flowers and plants grace the stone of someone who's been gone 70 years. Cemetery, City of Lafayette, Colorado

Gold Angel

Cemetery, City of Lafayette, Colorado

Monday, May 01, 2006


The Flatirons, world-renowned Mecca for rock climbers, form a backdrop to a headstone in Green Mountain Cemetery, Boulder, Colorado.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Painted Vase

Cemetery, City of Louisville, Colorado.

Pouting Angel

Cemetery, City of Lafayette, Colorado.

Spear and Flower

A spear and a flower stand guard duty at a soldier's stone. Cemetery, City of Lafayette, Colorado.

Sun Shadow

Cemetery, City of Louisville, Colorado.

A Very Old Cemetery

I went up to Columbia Cemetery in Boulder (Colorado) after work to shoot some pics. It felt empty and dreary there, for all the sun shone and cheery dandelions proclaimed the return of spring. No one leaves decorations by the gravestones there, the way they do at Louisville and Lafayette cemeteries. At Louisville and Lafayette, the dead are The Dearly Departed, much loved, much respected and much missed. The dead at Columbine Cemetery are The Forgotten.

In all fairness, though, Columbia is a very old cemetery. Who remembers you when you've been dead for 50 years? Who is there to put flowers on your grave when you've been gone a century?

Friday, April 21, 2006


Cemetery, Louisville, Colorado


Cemetery, Louisville, Colorado

Monday, April 17, 2006


This cheery pinwheel, whirling in the breeze, celebrates the life of someone's dear departed. Cemetery, City of Lafayette

Thoughts on Persephone

The goddess Kore went down to the underworld and became Persephone. She didn't go of her own free will. Like we mortals are, she was kidnapped. Unlike we mortals, she was released and she returned. Her mother had advocated for her and won her freedom. But no one advocates for mortals. Once we're gone, we're gone, no matter that our mother grieves and beseeches the gods for us.

Friday, April 14, 2006


One little stone, all alone; no 'Mother' stone nearby. Cemetery, City of Lafayette


Cemetery, City of Lafayette

Hawk and Sparrow

I went to my dad's last night to help pay bills, as I've done every week without fail (practically) since Mom died five years ago. Dad's 70 now. He enjoys life and people very much. His hair's been white for a while but suddenly last night, he looked as though the years were catching up with him. It was easy for me to imagine being at his funeral the way we'd been at Mom's.

He told me how he saw a hawk catch a sparrow the other day. The hawk perched on his back fence and ripped the sparrow to shreds. It was horrible to watch. I spent the evening thinking about how death stalks each one of us. It lurks right behind. We might die violently or gently, but we are gonna die. Remember that, and let it make each moment sweeter.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Stones at Arlington

Arlington National Cemetery, Washington D.C.